Left on Wed
Welcome to Left on Wed! A podcast full of bite sized tips for getting hitched.
Join two celebrant and MC's Adam Seeney (Married by Adam) and Georgia Fletcher (Georgia Fletcher Weddings) as we deep dive into the world of weddings.
In each episode, we aim to keep it short, simple and succinct to share the best information, insight and share our experiences in a bite size 20-30 minute episode. We want to share our experiences and advice to ensure you have the most amazing wedding!
Left on Wed
Season Finale! Ask us Anything
Goodbye, goodbye, good friends goodbye!
Adam is sailing away with false statistics on the success of the podcast but we need you to keep listening, keep watching and keep leaving your feedback because season 3 is taking a turn. For the better, we hope! Stay tuned to the very end and we introduce our new podcast name!
But first, we must answer your questions. They've come in hot, heavy and heated - tune in and find out how we put out the problems attempting to burn down your wedding planning!
We also name dropped our good friend Hungry Hearts - Here's her How to Vow Guide.
If you're keen to watch the action, check out the links below.
Follow us on Instagram at Left on Wed Podcast
Follow us on Tik Tok at Left on Wed Podcast
Follow us on Youtube Left on Wed Podcast
To collaborate with us on the pod, you can email us at leftonwedpodcast@gmail.com
But wait, there's more. If you're keen to enquire about our celebrant and MC services, head on over to our Instagram and websites as we would love to celebrate your wedding with you! You can find us via Married by Adam and Georgia Fletcher Weddings.
You can follow Georgia, here and follow her Instagram here.
You can contact Adam, here and follow his Instagram here.
And remember, if you like the vibe of Left on Wed, please leave a rating and review.
Edited and Produced by Oscar McCrann